Comedy of Errors

First, Wily Mo Pena hurt himself in the cage, by I can only imagine swinging so violently, his muscles exploded. He'll be out for 4 weeks. At least. That article states that Pena's injury comes as good news to Elijah Dukes, who will be the starting left fielder.

OH NOZ. Elijah Dukes strained his hamstring running to second today, and is "day to day". Know what takes a long time to heal? The hamstring.

Come on down, next left fielder. Be careful, if Manny gives you the job, your body may break down without warning. If he names Escobar the starting left fielder, he might just literally explode.

Edit: Also, we tried to sneak Josh Whitesell through wavers. FAIL. Arizona took him. That means "Little Papi" Luis Jiminez and Larry "I'm never going to play in the majors" Broadway in AAA with Marrero into AA at some point.


Hey guys - I had a problem with the first invite to the fantasy nats blogger league. Any chance you could re-send?
Kristen, We've Got Heart

March 14, 2008 at 5:34 PM  

You guys might be interested in posting this info:

3WT Radio is hosting an event where 100 fans will recieve a t-shirt and a pair of tickets to the exhibition game v. the Orioles on Saturday 3/29.

This is the link to the info...

You can email me if you have any questions,


National Sales Coordinator

March 19, 2008 at 11:56 AM  

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